Whether you have your own direct mail design ideas or you are ready to get started mailing one of our ready to go mailers, each piece can be custom designed to your customer demographic. We have an entire in house graphics design team, print house and account management staff dedicated to assisting your business with all of your automotive direct mail advertising needs!
Our group of designers, art directors, visualizers and copy editors are standing by to help you develop professional marketing communications, ranging from direct mail to a custom shell for our auto leads. Our solutions are customized to meet your needs, high quality to meet your marketing objectives and affordable.
We take your new direct mail piece and prepare the mail for delivery for you. Utilizing our mail house facility, we will help save your dealership on postage costs with the United States Postal Service because our mail house can “pre-sort” large mail runs for the postal system which will provide significant mail postage savings.
Never miss another sales call or spend your valuable time on the phone chasing down customers. We'll do it for you. Leaving you more time to sell more vehicles. We suggest you call some of our references before calling us and ask them how our unique program has helped them increase their sales volume.
We include our Elite Call Center, My Fresh Prospects CRM and Facebook and Instagram marketing with every piece.
We will design a custom mail pieces to target your needs. With our lists you can target specific customers with offers of a free down payments, low interest or refinance. The mailer invites them to your dealership by letting them know they are pre-qualified for an auto loan and a down payment will be included. We target the credit scores you ask for. Call for a count today in your area today!
-December 2020 Data for current dealerships surveyed.